innovation in health care

My private practice is a workshop for innovation. Using the newest technological devices and communication channels, I continually attempt to refine and improve the patient experience,



As one of the first CellScope DIRECT providers in Missouri, I was able to connect with patient families for diagnostic and treatment plans. The Seymour app and Oto device allows families to get quality care for ear infections and simple skin issues from home. 

gocheck kids

The AAP and USPSTF recommend that all children get screened for amblyopia before the age of 5 years. This treatable cause of vision loss in children can be detected using a smartphone-based photoscreener by GoCheck Kids. I was the first provider in Missouri to offer the service to my patients, and has successfully "caught" many kids whose vision correction was initiated using this innovative tool. 


As part of the Sprint Accelerator, powered by Techstars, I was able to contribute advice and time as part of the mentorship team to emerging start-up companies. I provided active and constructive feedback to technology teams as a practicing physician, and continue to work as advisor and mentor to start-up ventures across the country.