Know Your COVID Tests: A Quick Lesson

Know Your COVID Tests: A Quick Lesson

There are two different types of COVID tests - PCR and Rapid Antigen. The test you need depends on the question you are trying to answer. 

PCR tests replicate small pieces of viral genetic material, amplifying the viral signal to get the result. This test is the "gold standard" since only a tiny amount of virus is needed to generate a positive result. 

Antigen tests ("quick tests") identify the presence of the virus in a body sample. No replication. No amplification. You have to have a large viral load for this test to turn positive. For most people, this is after the onset of symptoms. 

Here's the quick lesson: 

If you want to know if you have COVID-19 with no symptoms or minor symptoms, find a PCR test. The rapid test is not very accurate if you do not have the large viral load that comes with being sick. A PCR test can be done with a nasal or saliva sample, depending on the test type available.

Want a rapid test? This test is good to determine if the symptoms *you are experiencing* are due to COVID-19. Rapid tests are becoming more easily available, but don’t want people relying on rapid results for the wrong reasons.

If you do not have symptoms, a rapid antigen test should not "clear you" for participation in anything, nor provide reassurance that you are not infected.

Again, to answer the question “Do I have COVID?’ with minimal to no symptoms, a PCR test is what you need.

Let’s work together. Let the virus stop with you.

The Bottom Line: Call your doc to find out which test you need and what is available in your area. THE TYPE OF TEST MATTERS to give you the information you need to keep yourself and others well.


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